Heavenly Places
Homebrews for your D&D or other TTRPG setting!

In the second thrilling installment of the Heavenly Places faith-based D&D campaign series, the heroes return to Aeramor, only to find a world drastically changed. Reunited in Jerusalem, they arrive just as Judah faces the Babylonian invasion. The visions return, now echoing the words of Adonai's prophets, challenging the party to lead the caravan into exile and save God's people along the way.
Upon their arrival in the empire’s capital, the heroes are met with suspicion and mistrust. Their new roles place them at the heart of a brewing conflict between the Babylonian authorities and the Hebrew people. Uncovering a conspiracy of Biblical proportions, the party must navigate a treacherous path. Will their investigation spark a war, or will it guide them back to the Holy City?
Throughout this perilous journey, the party faces numerous challenges: divided purposes among the exiles, relentless Babylonian scrutiny, and the ire of Jewish rebels. Guided by their prophetic dreams and Biblical knowledge, they must overcome these obstacles with divine guidance. Intrigue, danger, and faith intertwine as the heroes strive to fulfill their destiny and prepare for the eventual return to their homeland.
The enemy lurks at every turn, ready to hinder their progress. Will their faith be strong enough to overcome the trials ahead? The fate of their people and the promise of their return to the Holy City hang in the balance.
A D&D 5e/2024 campaign for 4-6 characters levels 10-20
Magic Items
A side-quest from Coram Deo Creations and the Heavenly Places.
Need a filler mission or random encounter to change things up or keep your party guessing? The Trial of the Steadfast is just what you're looking for.
This adventure is an homage to John Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress but done in a new way. In this adventure a villain has decided to use their considerable mental prowess to mess with the party. While they take a much-needed long rest the villains submerge them into dystopian world of oppression and hopelessness. Learning pieces of the truth sends the party on an adventure testing skill, faith and determination. Not everyone will see the end of this vison quest and the ramifications of that failure will be steep!
This module is written for a party of 4-6, levels 10-12 but is easily scalable.
The Empyrean Decahedron is a magic item of untold age. A mage's best friend for fast travel and exploration. But such a power comes at a cost. Seeking magic items of great power can often put a mage in the path of their powerful wielders. Thus has the decahedron passed from person of power to person of power over the ages. To dare its use to travel the realms is to risk everything. For many a mage the lure has outweighed the risk. For all but the current wielder its possession has led to death.
Do you dare to wield the Empyrean Decahedron? Will you don the mantle of Traveler, risking everything in your quest to find ultimate power?
This supplement offers six new playable races (or sub races) and seven new subclasses for various existing classes in the D&D 5e TTRPG system.
Each race or subrace was created for use in the lore of the Heavenly Places TTRPG campaign and novel series. They are fleshed out in accordance with D&D 5e standards and are easily transferred into D&D Beyond for use in live or VTT games.
The subclasses were created to connect with the revelation of the God of the Bible to the people of Aeramor in the Heavenly Places campaign. Each subclass connects the character to Adonai who powers their signs and wonders. They were also created for use with the D&D 5e system and in accordance with standards in the D&D Beyond app. Most of them have been play tested, some extensively, by players in our ongoing live game.
A One-Shot Wonder from the Heavenly Places. Need a filler mission or random encounter to change things up or keep your party reeling?
The Mansion of Mayhem is just what you need. It's a Saw meets D&D meets Scooby Doo adventure that will be disturbing, challenging and rewarding or deadly depending on your party's skill level.
Written for a party of 4, levels 4-6 but easily scalable.
Love to play the Artificer class but want to make them more of an inventor? This class should be the ultimate creator of magic items for sale or the whims of their party. The artificer's own magic manifests as objects imbued with magic capabilities. Create goggles to see in the dark or horseshoes that make a centaur stealthy. There are no limits except for gold, the roll of the dice, and the explosive or wild magic consequences of failure. If you're good enough you might survive long enough to become a master artificer.
The Heavenly Places Campaign Setting

Heavenly Places seeks to bring a new perspective to the roleplaying world and now you can join the adventure! Until now, the wondrous worlds and adventures of the tabletop roleplaying genre have offered little geared toward people of the Christian faith.
Amazing games and worlds have been designed for adventurers willing to wield sword and sorcery for fame, fortune and fictional gods. Now, the brave adventurer can explore the world of Aeramor as its people experience the Biblical Old Testament. Will your heroes trust in the mission and the providence of God through brutal persecution, challenging puzzles and devastating losses? Can your team help the people of Aeramor to find truth and salvation in God through their words and actions? This campaign book takes an in-depth look at the history, people, and places of Old Testament Israel but in a world of fantastical races, devastating magic and terrifying betrayal. This Heavenly Places Campaign "A New Thing" is the first of three guidebooks. It will take characters from level 1-10 and includes six new subclasses, dozens of magic items, and monsters based on the Dungeons and Dragons Fifth Edition rules, but modifiable to any tabletop roleplaying rule set. Get your copy today and begin exploring the Heavenly Places!